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Melody Chang won the 2021 Dragon Challenge from the Dragon Kim Foundation for her project “Let’s Learn about Public Health!”

Melody Chang (IM, ‘22) won the prestigious 2021 Dragon Challenge from the Dragon Kim Foundation for her project “Let’s Learn about Public Health!” Her project entailed writing a book for children in grades 3-6, in an effort to educate them about modern concepts of public health. She also ran a community summer camp to deliver her curriculum to 120 children. Through the Dragon Kim Foundation, she was awarded $5,000 to translate her book into other languages, develop a curriculum to teach her book in elementary schools, and advocate at the state level for her book and curriculum to be taught in more school districts. To read more about Melody’s project, please visit

Tags: september-2021 Categorías: Escuela_de_Música, Música_instrumental

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