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OCSA students performed in the children’s choir that was featured in the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”

The following students performed in the children’s choir that was featured in the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” presented by McCoy Rigby Entertainment at La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts.

Cameron Avery (ACT, ‘27)
Jasmine Melwani (IA, ‘25)
Adrienne Morrow (MT, ‘25)
Angelina Pendleton-Mendez (PM, ‘27)
Sydney Sublette (CV, ‘26)
Erin Tardibuono (MT, ‘25)
Ava Villacorta (MT, ‘27)
Emma Woodward (CV, ‘27)

Etiquetas: Otoño-2023 Categories: Acting, Classical_Voice, Integrated_Arts, Musical_Theatre, Popular_Music, School_of_Fine_&_Media_Arts, School_of_Music, School_of_Theatre

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