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OCSA students placed or received honorable mentions in their respective categories at the 2024 VO-CAL live competition

The following OCSA students placed or received honorable mentions in their respective categories at the 2024 VO-CAL live competition at California State University, Long Beach.

Classical - Ages 12-13; “L’ho perduta”
Keanu Ho (CV, ‘29) - Second Place
Samantha Shelly (CV, ‘29) - First Place

Classical - Age 14 (Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Treble); “The Little Horses”
Simran Goyal (CV, ‘28) - Second Place
Lubaina Habib (CV, ‘28) - Honorable Mention
Olivia Song (CV, ‘28) - First Place

Classical - Ages 14-15 (Tenor, Baritone, Bass); “Amarilli, mia bella”
Liam Posos (CV, ‘28) - Third Place
Zachary Yoshimura (CV, ‘28) - Honorable Mention

Classical - Age 15 (Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Treble); “The Year’s at the Spring”
Juliette Eitel (CV, ‘27)

Classical - Age 16 (Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Treble); “Se Florindo e fedele”
Celine Curtis (CV, ‘26) - Honorable Mention
Sydney Sublette (CV, ‘26) - Second Place

Classical - Ages 16-18 (Tenor, Baritone, Bass); “Vecchia zimarra”
William Bolin (CV, ‘24) - First Place
Henry Courney (CV, ‘26) - Honorable Mention

Classical - Ages 17-18 (Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor); “Batti, batti”
Madison Becerra (CV, ‘25) - Second Place
Tessa Espinola (ACT, ‘25) - Third Place
Eliza Tait (CV, ‘25) - Honorable Mention

Commercial Music - Ages 14-15; “Easy on Me”
Angelina Pendleton-Mendez (PM, ‘27) - First Place
Leyla Ton (PM, ‘28) - Second Place

Musical Theatre - Age 13; “Out There”
Keanu Ho (CV, ‘29) - Second Place
Kristin Mamangun (MT, ‘29) - Third Place
Enzo Passalacqua (MT, ‘28) - First Place

Musical Theatre - Ages 14-15 (Group 1); “Santa Fe”
Anya Mulay (MT, ‘28) - Second Place

Musical Theatre - Ages 14-15 (Group 2); “Screw Loose”
Asmi Aggarwal (CV, ‘27) - Honorable Mention
Reese Guenther-Clark (CV, ‘27) - Second Place
Angelina Pendleton-Mendez (PM, ‘27) - Third Place

Musical Theatre - Ages 14-15 (Group 3); “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables”
Amber Bach (CV, ‘26) - Third Place
Juliette Eitel (CV, ‘27) - Second Place

Musical Theatre - Ages 16-18 (Group 2); “I Don’t Need a Roof”
Madison Becerra (CV, ‘25) - Third Place
Sydney Sublette (CV, ‘26) - Honorable Mention

Musical Theatre - Ages 16-18 (Group 3); “Be a Lion”
Tessa Espinola (ACT, ‘25) - Second Place
Eliza Tait (CV, ‘25) - Honorable Mention

Tags: spring-2024 Categories: Acting, Classical_Voice, Popular_Music, School_of_Music, School_of_Theatre

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