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OCSA’s Junior Thespian Troupe 6826 participated in the Junior Thespian Festival hosted on OCSA’s campus

OCSA’s Junior Thespian Troupe 6826 participated in the Junior Thespian Festival hosted on OCSA’s campus. All participating middle school students received Superior Thespy awards, while also receiving two Judge’s Choice Awards and one First Place title as a group. Listed below are OCSA students who won an award.

Rohan Ganesan (ACT, ‘28)
Finn Pauley-Rodriguez (ACT, ‘28)
Daniel Peters (ACT, ‘28)
Kayleigh Thompson (ACT, ‘29)
Macy Wong (IA, ‘29)

Tags: Spring-2024 Categories: Acting, Integrated_Arts, School_of_Fine_&_Media_Arts, School_of_Theatre

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